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In reply to Comment by Reader DV

Anonymous on 2016-10-06 at 11:27:

Marketing and politics overlap to a increasing degree.

Frankly what is going on is that systemd devs envision only two use cases, desktop and containers (the latter being a way for them to gain some appearance of credibility). Anything else is either archaic or "wrong".

And all of this is wrapped in a massive amount of paternalism that originates with Gnome and has spread across the larger Linux userspace via Freedesktop.

On top of this, the core devs of systemd is backed by Red Hat's "deep" pockets. And something shifted within RH some years ago and now they seem to have a unstated goal of controlling the Linux ecosystem by generating "code churn".

Meaning that they get to say the direction of the ecosystem with tactic not that dissimilar from Microsoft's Embrace Extend Extinguish.

They have key personnel embedded within various projects, and keep introducing various changes between releases that they coordinate via company channels. Thus third parties find themselves either chasing the RH dust, or turn the keys over to RH.


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